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The Union Leader

News & Notes for Our Valued Clients July 2019


Union Reach is a multi-faceted communication platform and member benefits provider. It's the "next level" of member communication.

We're going to begin detailing what Union Reach is and how it can work for you in the next paragraph, but before we do that we want to pass along the price up front. IT'S FREE.

You read that correctly. Union Reach is a FREE union mobile communications app! There are two key components to Union Reach:

* Union Reach is a specially designed mobile messaging platform, created to provide unions with a state-of-the-art push notifications system.

* In addition, Union Reach is going to bring your members a variety of special, union members-only benefits that will reinforce the value of being a union member and staying a union member! We don't have to tell you how important that is in our current climate.

View our How Union Reach Works video.

Union Reach provides real time push messaging. You decide who the push message goes to - all members or specific groups or sub-groups. Push messages are considerably more likely to be read by your members than e-mail blasts - and Union Reach gives you push messaging options for free!

We have also built phone user lines into Union Reach, again, at no charge to you. Any user can access the phone conference lines, and you can have as many as 200 people on one call. These lines can be accessed for local union meetings, committee meetings, bargaining updates - or conversations about starting a summer softball team. Or a poker night. It doesn't matter what conversations you have, the lines are there for you to use ... FREE.

The free conference call lines are only one of many benefits that are coming. We're all familiar with programs offering supposed great deals for union members. Many of them aren't so great - such as credit cards that are hyped for "No payments due if you're on strike," when in reality in this day and age strikes are exceedingly rare and otherwise these cards have excessive interest, penalties and fees. So we are setting standards that Union Reach benefit providers must meet in order to be included in our program. Those are being finalized as you read this ... and more will be rolling out month-by-month.

How To Get Started

There's a simple process for Union Leaders to start using Union Reach right away. First, use our signup form to submit your unions' information. Once approved you will receive instructions on how to utilize the features of Union Reach. You can then direct your members to install the Union Reach app and select your union from the list of unions that will appear when you first download the app.

Once members install the app you can send push notifications with text, html content, audio messages or video links directly to members from the control panel. Members receive the notification alerts on their device. Once they click the alert they are taken directly to the full message content. Again, statistically this is the best method of contacting your membership. For example, a 30 percent open rate is considered "Excellent" for an e-mail blast. When you send a text message, everybody at the very least sees the alert notice, even if they don't click through to the full content.

Union Reach also provides members with a message history directly through the app. Members will see the most recent messages on the main page of the app, and the full message history can then be viewed by clicking the messages icon in the app menu.

An admin for your union will have access to the control panel for your local's configuration of the app. From there you can manage messages and users, create messaging groups, add social media and website links, and update account information. You can also customize the app configuration with a custom logo. We'll help as needed. Union Reach is definitely going to be the next level in union communication and member benefits, and let us say this once more, it's FREE.

Again, viewing our How Union Reach Works video will really help explain Union Reach and answer preliminary questions you may have. There's also more information at our dedicated website, Use our signup form or give us a holler - we're anxious to include you in Union Reach!


CONTACT US - Our customer service center is always ready to assist you. We have professional support staff trained to get you answers and/or help you through an issue as quickly as possible. E-mail us at or call (888) 248-5557, Ext. 3.

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Custom Union Made Mobile Apps. Learn more.
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Powerful member database manager in the cloud. Learn more.

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