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The Union Leader

News & Notes for Our Valued Clients March 2018

NEW MONIKER - Those of you who are particularly observant may have noted the top of this newsletter now says Union Leader rather than Union-Activist. While it may not seem like a big deal, it is a change we believe is important.

Union-Activist was simply a play on words given that UnionActive is the "engine" that drives our website and mobile app systems. The name change reflects our understanding of how incredibly important good union leaders are in this day and age.

"We believe this change is more descriptive and emphasizes our newsletter is intended for today’s labor leaders," says Unions-America CEO Timothy Johnson. "Our goal is to make each newsletter chock full of important news, tools, trends, warnings, technology, tips - everything you need to help build a stronger union. We are partners with you in that important effort."

If there are others in your union you’d like us to send future issues to, just send along their email addresses to 


JANUS ON THE CLOCK - Public employee unions in the 22 states that allow fair share fees are bracing for the possibility of big change, perhaps as early as June. Arguments were held Feb. 26 at the U.S. Supreme Court in Janus vs. AFSCME, the latest attempt by those opposed to unions to strike out at the public sector.

Most SCOTUS pundits believe the court will rule 5-4 against the unions, unhinging over 40 years of precedent disallowing "free riders." The Supreme Court ruled in the 1977 Abood case that public employees who benefit from a union’s collective bargaining efforts could be forced to pay so-called "fair share" (or "agency") fees, minus any money the union spends on politics.

Jessica Levinson, a law professor at Loyola University of Los Angeles, has written a balanced explanation of the case’s complexities. The Supreme Court’s decision is expected sometime between June and mid-August.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5G - Don’t look now, but the next generation of cell phones is looming in your rearview mirror. 5G, a simple phrase for "fifth generation," had a limited debut at the 2018 Winter Olympics last month in South Korea.

So what’s it do? More, of course. Faster. More reliable. More efficient. Increased connectivity. All the usual catch-phrases. More expensive, too.

Some technology analysts say 5G may provide the bandwidth needed to create a veritable sci-fi future: "A network that links not just phones and computers but also robots, cars and all manner of sensor-equipped consumer products and infrastructure." Things like energy grids, traffic signals and emergency services. Expect to see more and more snippets of 5G throughout 2018, and a full roll-out during 2019.

Fortunately, you are in good hands with Unions-America. Our technical experts monitor these types of developments constantly. We successfully ushered our operating systems and our clients from 1G to 2G, from 2G to 3G and from 3G to 4G. We’ll be doing all that same work to guide our clients into the 5G era as it becomes appropriate and necessary. We will leverage the best of 5G technology to most effectively enhance your union’s ability to best communicate with your members. We are technology leaders ourselves, and we’ll keep you up-to-date as 5G becomes a reality over the next couple of years. In the meantime, there’s one thing you need to do if you haven’t already: see below!


TECH TIP - Email Broadcast Directly to Online Forms - You can now send an email broadcast directly to any online form that saves a spreadsheet in the UnionActive system. The online form must contain a form field named either email or emailaddress and the online form must be set to save a spreadsheet of the submitted data. Use this feature to directly contact all users who have submitted the form. Read More...


CONTACT US - Our customer service center is always ready to assist you. We have professional support staff trained to get you answers and/or help you through an issue as quickly as possible. E-mail us at or call (888) 248-5557, Ext. 3.


FEATURED PRODUCT OF THE MONTH - In light of our discussion above about 5G networks’ impending arrival, we want to once again emphasize that adding a Unions-America mobile app to your website package isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity.

How many times a day do you check your phone? For all of us, it’s a lot ... and statistically, the younger you are the more you do it. Our upcoming generations of union members and leaders may very well never own a computer at all, they’ll do everything on a smart phone or tablet. No, it’s not time to abandon your website, but adding an integrated mobile app has never been more timely or made more sense. And our integrated mobile app technology means there’s no extra work for your webmaster or communications team - your mobile app automatically updates when the website is updated.

We have great packages at great prices to offer you. And yes, we can build you a WordPress-based mobile app if that’s what you need. Check out the details under the Mobile tab at or email us at

  Mobile Apps  
Custom Union Made Mobile Apps. Learn more.
  Member Database Builder  

Powerful member database manager in the cloud. Learn more.

Online Grievance Database
Tracking System. Learn more.
  Member SYNC  

Synchronize website database with your membership data. Learn more.
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